Why Decluttering is Actually a Form of Self-Care

home environment self-care Sep 14, 2024
Dark haired woman sitting at a wooden table. She has a big smile and is giving a two thumbs up. The space behind her displays dishes organized on a shelf and a clutterfree bookcase with well organized boxes and storage containers.

It is Time to Change Our Mindset About Decluttering

For women who live on farms, in small towns, or in rural settings, life can be busy and physically demanding. It is easy to let clutter build up thinking you will get to it later.

Decluttering becomes an item on the never-ending to-do list, lumped together with routine housework like vacuuming or laundry.

It’s time to look at decluttering differently.  Changing your mindset about decluttering is the key to transforming it from a dreaded task into an act of self-care and empowerment.

By looking at decluttering as a form of self-care, it becomes an opportunity to create a harmonious living space which supports your happiness and well-being.

Your home should serve as a refuge, where you can escape the hustle of daily responsibilities and simply breathe.

For country living women, removing the unnecessary is a way of nurturing yourself in the unique context of rural living. It’s about shaping your environment to reflect the life you want to live.

Decluttering Creates a Calm Environment

A calm environment serves as a form of self-care by reducing stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation, and creating a sense of safety and well-being. It provides our mind and body a space to decompress and recharge, which is crucial for overall mental and emotional health.

A clutter-free home provides a sense of peace after a long day which often includes tending to the family, animals, and property after you get home from work.

Too much clutter can be visually overstimulating. Minimizing all the visual distractions lessens the feeling of stress and opens the door to a sense of calm.

Think about a time you entered a room that was clean and tidy. Did you feel more peaceful and relaxed? Did you find yourself going “aaahhh” without realizing it?

That feeling of calm and serenity can improve your overall mood. This lift in mood fosters positive emotions, one of the most important aspects of effective self-care.

Not only will you start feeling more positive, it becomes easier to concentrate and be present in the moment. You may find yourself worrying less about the future and feeling gratitude for the present.

There are physical health benefits to creating a calm environment as well. Being able to relax in your clutter-free environment can lead to lowered blood pressure and improved sleep.

Reduce Stress and Overwhelm by Decluttering

Living in the country brings unique stressors, from caring for animals to managing property. Clutter can add to that overwhelm, making it harder to de-stress. By decluttering, you lighten the emotional load, creating space for clarity and tranquility.

As you begin decluttering, you are not just removing physical items, but also letting go of the mental baggage associated with them. You may not even realize this is happening. But the process can invite a sense of control which improves your ability to complete tasks.

Clutter can make it hard to find what you need. It’s not only stressful to spend time looking for something, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you are in a hurry.

That overwhelm can better be described as feeling “out of control.”

Think about a time you searched and searched for something you needed. Was there a sense of mild panic and stress attached to it?

The “my life is out of control” panic causes anxiety usually accompanied by a sense of guilt for letting things get so cluttered and disorganized.

Decluttering can help you feel less overwhelmed. Being less overwhelmed reduces stress and anxiety. It wards off feelings of guilt about not taking better care of your environment.

And you’ll spend less time looking for things, giving you more time for pleasurable self-care.

Decluttering Lets You Reclaim Control Over Your Space

Rural life often involves dealing with unpredictable elements like weather, home maintenance issues, or pet and livestock needs. Things you have little to no control over, yet they directly impact your life.

Unpredictable events can create stress and anxiety. If your home is filled with clutter, the unexpected adds to the chaos.

Your environment affects your ability to engage in regular self-care. Decluttering gives you a sense of control over your physical space and well-being. Knowing that at least your personal space is in order makes it easier to deal with the unpredictable.

Completing a decluttering project provides a tangible feeling of achievement. The act of deciding what to keep and what to let go of can feel empowering. It’s like gaining permission to manage other aspects of your life as well. 

Organizing your physical space can be seen as a metaphor for organizing your thoughts, leading to a clearer mental state. It brings in the “good feels.”

Decluttering is a way of actively managing your physical environment. It promotes a feeling of agency where your thoughts and actions have power.

A feeling of power over your life is an important element of self-care.

Boosting Energy and Motivation by Decluttering

A cluttered environment can trigger stress and anxiety which is a huge drain on your energy level. By decluttering, you’re making room for fresh energy. You may find not only more time, but more energy to pursue personal goals or hobbies.

Engaging in personal activities that bring you pleasure is a necessary part of self-care.

Decluttering boosts motivation by reducing mental clutter, thinking about where it should  or could be.

When you don't have to dig through closets or piles of paper to find what you need, you can concentrate better on the task at hand, boosting your efficiency.

Consider your messy office with the desk covered in papers and stacks of files. Instead of being a place of inspiration, your office inspires discouragement. Motivation flies out the window.

Instead of navigating through unnecessary items, wondering where the “thing” you need is hiding, you can quickly find it and complete the task. You feel more productive.  

There’s a sense of accomplishment which can lead to a positive mood and increased motivation to tackle other tasks. 

The act of decluttering often involves physical movement like sorting through items and lifting boxes. It can be physically stimulating, releasing feel-good hormones like dopamine. The release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure, can leave you feeling energized and motivated. 

You’ll be ready to tackle the need-to-do’s and still have the motivation for the want-to-do’s.

Declutter to Make Room for What Truly Matters

Decluttering helps you prioritize what’s important. Not only physical items like family heirlooms, tools you use on the farm, or items that support your hobbies and passions. But also, the tasks and activities that take up your time and energy.

Removing clutter allows you to make room for what's important in your life by creating physical space for the things that truly matter.

It also frees up mental energy by limiting distractions and unnecessary clutter. You can now focus on priorities, goals, and meaningful experiences. Letting go of the unnecessary allows you to be both practical and joyful. To get work done and still have fun.

By having an organized environment, you can find what you need quickly and easily, leading to less time wasted searching and more time for productive and fun activities. 

When you are not constantly bombarded by clutter, you can make more conscious choices about what to focus on and prioritize in your life. By removing old, unused items, you create room for new things, opportunities, and experiences to enter your life. 


Decluttering as a Form of Self-Care, A New Mindset

It’s time to change your mindset. Stop thinking of removing clutter as another household chore.

 Look at decluttering as a form of self-care much like taking a walk or spending time in nature. It’s time you dedicate to creating a space where can relax and recharge.

This shift in perspective can make the process more enjoyable. Set aside time to declutter in a way that feels manageable, whether it’s 15 minutes a day or one room a month. Remember, this isn’t about perfection. It’s about progress and taking care of yourself.

Celebrate the small wins along the way—each drawer, closet, or room that’s cleared out is a step toward a more calm and relaxing life.


Wondering if Country Women practices self-care differently? Check out this post.

Interest in learning more about the benefits of decluttering? Check out this post.




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